Ecological Citizen(s) Preferable Futures Deck
We are all Ecological Citizens in progress...
We are working on ways to unpack EC intentions to navigate accessible and open conversations with others. We have created the EC Preferable Futures Deck as a tool to help facilitate these kinds of conversations ans further explore diverse understandings and interpretations of Ecological Citizenship.
We have printed a limited run of these and are faciliating workshops in which to trial them - please do get in touch with the team if you would like to find out more!

Publications, articles & essays
- Beyond co-production: Design as a means of evoking agency through ecological citizenship.
- Dr. Robert Phillips, Jon Alexander, Sharon Baurley, Emily Boxall, Luke Gooding, Daniel Knox, Charlotte Nordmoen, Alec Shepley, Tracy Simpson, Tom Simmons & Sarah West.
Journal Article, Cumulus Conference 2024: P/references of Design, Budapest Hungary, 15-17 May 2024
Click here to view this as a PDF.
- Dr. Robert Phillips, Jon Alexander, Sharon Baurley, Emily Boxall, Luke Gooding, Daniel Knox, Charlotte Nordmoen, Alec Shepley, Tracy Simpson, Tom Simmons & Sarah West.
- Defining Ecological Citizenship; Case-studies, Projects & Perspectives; Analysed Through a Design-led Lens, Positioning ‘Preferable Future(s)’.
- Dr. Robert Phillips, Dr. Sarah West, Prof. Alec Shepley, Prof. Sharon Baurley, Tom Simmons, Dr. Neil Pickles & Daniel Knox.
Cumulus Conference 2022: Design for Adaptation, Detroit, USA, 2-4 Nov 2022
Click here to view this as a PDF.
- Dr. Robert Phillips, Dr. Sarah West, Prof. Alec Shepley, Prof. Sharon Baurley, Tom Simmons, Dr. Neil Pickles & Daniel Knox.
Presentations, discussions & webinars
Conference presentation: Preferable, Contextual and Sustainable… Climate Futures for Ecological Citizens
This is a recording of a digital conference presentation for the DRS (Design Research Society) Conference 2024, held in Boston and online, 27.06.24.
Dr. Rob Phillips - Royal College of Art presented the paper 'Preferable, Contextual and Sustainable… Climate Futures for Ecological Citizens' in the Futuring in Transitions conference track. We thank the EC team for their contributions and Amber Anderson for her illustration work.
Conference presentation: Design Futures, Ecological Citizenship & Public Interest Technologies
This is a recording of a digital conference presentation for the HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) Conference 2024, held in Washington and online, 01.07.24.
Dr. Rob Phillips - Royal College of Art & John Wiltshire - Smithery presented the paper 'Design Futures, Ecological Citizenship & Public Interest Technologies = HCI Regenerative Interaction Opportunities...?' in the User Experience Design and Evaluations methods and tools - II conference track. We thank the EC team for their contributions and Amber Anderson for her illustration work.
Click on the image opposite to watch via YouTube.
Webinar: What Should Ecological Citizenship Look Like in Education?
We thank our wonderful speakers for their contributions and time. The webinar was hosted by Emily Boxall with Dr. Rob Phillips - Royal College of Art, Professor Sarah West - Stockholm Environment Institute at the University of York, Dr. Daro Montag - Falmouth University, Dee Halligan - Forth, Laura Dempsey - Volunteers for Future, Hassina Khan - Crafts Council and Bran Howell - Eden Project.
This is a recording of an online webinar from the 17.01.23. Click on the image opposite to watch via YouTube.
Panel discussion: How Should We Design for Preferable Futures?
We thank our wonderful panellists for contributing to the discussion which was hosted by Dr Rob Phillips: Jon Alexander - Citizens, Kirsty Dias - Priestman Goode, Marina Konstantatou - Foster + Partners, Nikki Williams - The Wildlife Trusts, Jonathan Levine - Folia Water & Praveen Paul - Pint of Science.
This is a recording of a hybrid panel discussion held at the Royal College of Art, Battersea Campus in London on 21.09.23. Click on the image opposite to watch via YouTube.